Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What Next ! ? !

My son will be the death of me.

I never know what is going to come next, he thinks of things I would never think of forbidding. Why would I need to say "don't try to see if the seam ripper will hurt the wall."

So I found the damaged wall and called him in to talk about it. Luckily for him and us, all he did was lightly scratch the paint.

Me: What happened here?

Junior : you know that thing that pokes holes and is red? I wanted to see what would happen.

Me: HUH?

Junior: I wanted to see what that red thing would do on the wall.

Me: You do know we will have to show Daddy.

Junior: No please!! He will kill me and I will be dead and I won't get to go to heaven and I will have to go into the pit!!!!

Me (struggling not to laugh at this extreme reaction): Your Daddy won't kill you. He will be dissapointed but he won't kill you.

Junior: No, he will !! He will kill me and I won't get to go to heaven and I will have to go into the pit!!!!

So then he cried for about an hour and nothing Daisy or I could say could convince him that he wouldn't die.

Sigh, I really don't know what is next with him.

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