Friday, January 15, 2010

The Male Factor by Shaunti Feldhahn

What is a stay-at-home mom doing reading a book on getting along with men in the workplace?

Well, here my thoughts: I deal with businesses every day whether it is calling the phone company to tell the the phone isn't working to calling the satellite providers to tell them that something is messed up or asking my local grocery store to carry a new product. If I am unintentionally causing friction when I make a request, I am less likely to get what I need or want.

Manipulative? I don't think so, no more than nicely asking for a cookie is more manipulative than snarling a request.

Now I will admit that there are others that need to read this book more than I but, I still found things to interest me.

And not specifically dealing with businesses either.

One example: "I found that the assumption that "emotion" means "you are not thinking" is nearly universal among men."

I have gotten mad about something and while I am complaining to Hubby, I can see the disconnect going on. He sees the emotion and the validity of my argument drops somewhat. The whole issue with the dentist, he was not happy with the dentist, he was less than pleased with the way they kept changing their story but he never got emotional over the whole thing. As far as that goes, he viewed paying them would be worth never hearing from them again. I, on the other hand, would be shaking in rage after dealing with them.

I am not saying that he dismisses me as being a silly emotional female, but I understand now that he (and other men) veiw me as being less able to think during an emotional issue.

So would I recommend this book, even for women not on the work force? Yes!

If you are interested in buying the book you can go here where there are several options.

This book was provided for me by Random House to review, I received no other form of compensation other than a free book.

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