Friday, May 29, 2009

Five Word Friday

Because I enjoyed last weeks 5 Word Friday I thought I would do it again this week.

Describe in Five Words what you cannot live without (person, place, thing).
  1. God - everytime I try to do anything without Him, I fall flat on my face.

  2. My family - while I am loving being completely by myself (for the first time in months), I am glad that it won't last forever.

  3. The written word - as much as I enjoy tv, I connect much more deeply with the written word. I am more likely to cry over a story I read than one I watch, more likely to remember what I have read than heard. When I have free time, if I am not reading, I am writing.

  4. My church - I love the people, how much I have grown there, etc.

  5. Air conditioning - While it isn't completely true that I can't live without it, I am much more pleasant to be around when I am not melting. If we didn't have AC long term, I might lose my family (see #2)

That's it for this week but check out From the Desk of a Princess for more Five Word Fridays.


  1. I was willing to bet money that one of my TX bloggers was gonna say A/C! :-) Thanks for playin!

    Recent blog post: Five Word Friday

  2. Oh girl - I 100% agree on the air conditioning... because seriously - NO ONE wants to be around me if I'm miserably hot. :-)

    Recent blog post: Fireproof Viewing
