Thursday, January 29, 2009

Redeemed -- almost

This morning the kidlets were singing Little Rabbit Frou-Frou and added some verses.

If you don't know Little Rabbit Frou-Frou, I am sorry but you had a deprived childhood.

I'll sing it for you, but my voice isn't the best. The hand motions are the best part.

Little rabbit Frou-Frou (make bunny ears with your fingers and hop them around)
hoppin' through the forest (still bunny ears)
pickin' up the field mice (make a scooping motion)
and boppin' them on the head (bop on fist on top of the other)
Along came the good fairy and she said (sorry no motions here)
Little rabbit Frou-Frou (wagging finger like you are fussing at someone)
I don't wanna see you (still wagging finger, good fairy is hacked)
pickin' up the field mice (again with the scooping motion)
and boppin' them on the head (again with the fist bopping)
I'll give you 3 more chances and then I'll turn you into a goose (hold up 3 fingers, then wave your hand around like you have a wand)

Then it repeats until Little Rabbit Frou-Frou is turned into a goose, because he is more incorrigable than my children.

This morning after singing it, my children tacked on some more verses.

Little goose Frou-Frou (make walking fingers and waddle them around)
waddlin' through the forest (still waddling)
pickin' up the field mice (make a scooping motion)
and kissin' them on the head (kiss on fist)
Along came the good fairy and she said (sorry no motions here)
Little rabbit Frou-Frou (still wagging finger, 'cause she couldn't think of a new motion)
I'm so glad to see you (still wagging finger)
pickin' up the field mice (again with the scooping motion)
and kissin' them on the head (again with the fist kissing)
I'll give you 3 more chances and then I'll turn you back into a rabbit (hold up 3 fingers, then wave your hand around like you have a wand)

So this ended much like the other, except that when Little Rabbit Frou-Frou was turned back into a rabbit, he got rude. He said "geese drool and rabbits rule" which made the Good Fairy mad because apparently her family is full of geese. So the rabbit was turned back into a goose.

I kid you not, this is what they came up with.

I am just glad that God is more forgiving than the Good Fairy.


  1. Ha ha, you have a very imaginative pair. :) The ending ("geese drool and rabbits rule") is hilarious. Certainly there is a moral here: don't insult the lady with the wand. Or maybe: if the Good Fairy ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. (OK, I'll stop now.)

    By the way -- I didn't even see that you had updated until just now! The last post that Bloglines showed me was the chaos one. Argh! Maybe it's time to switch to Google Reader.

  2. That's adorable! What smart kiddos.

    We've always sung it as Little Bunny Foo Foo, isn't that funny.

  3. That's too funny! I can't wait to have stories like this of my own one day!
