Friday, February 20, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday

I Enjoy 7 Quick Takes especially when I am tired and my brain isn't functioning as well. Which means I am even flakier than usual.

1. We did County Youth Fair this week, it was something I had never done or seen before so it was a learning experience for all of us. I am glad that it went as well as it did, but glad its over. I am not going to procrastinate until the last minute again this year.

Stop laughing!

2. Daisy placed 3rd in Desserts category with Pineapple Bread Pudding. This stuff is good and has no raisins. We also found out that she could have entered more than one category. Since she had to make a loaf of french bread anyway, she could have entered that into the yeast bread category. Oh well. I will post a recipe with directions and pictures later.

3. Junior is absolutely thrilled with his blue ribbon for his applesauce bread. I was able to observe his interview and could see him describe using the microplane to grate nutmeg. He didn't know what the spice was or the tool, but he did the movements like he was grating it and I heard him say "and it smells really strong!" They don't give placement to the peewees, but there was only 2 peewees with bread anyway.

Yep, this is the same recipe that Daisy won 1st place at her first 4-H Food and Nutrition contest. It's one of my great-grandmother's recipes and she was an amazing cook. She would be thrilled to see her great-great-grandkids cooking from her recipes. I will post the recipe with pictures later. I just don't feel like getting my camera.

4. Daisy is on her first ever camp without a parent. (We went girl scout camping but I went along for that). She is so extremely excited. She left today and comes back Sunday after church. It is going to be a long weekend for Junior and I (Hubby will be working most of the weekend.) As we drove way from the church where we dropped her off Junior sighed and said "I am going to miss Sissy."

5. With her being gone for the weekend, I thought Junior and I could do some fun stuff, BUT he woke up this morning with his eyes glued shut so he should probably stay home. So I may spend the weekend playing the Wii.

6. We did rabbit show this morning. Ugh. We had to be there at 6:45. We don't do mornings like that. But we made it, we were the 2nd ones there. Nearly froze, but we were there. I want a nap though.

7. There were 21 kids competing with the rabbits, the top 12 went to sale. Daisy's pen was ranked 14. The shape and all were good, they were just seriously undersized. They needed about 1 more pound on them - they need to be as close to 5 pounds as possible, so one pound off is a huge deal. Daisy is fine with her results, she didn't want them to go to auction because of her church trip which starts before the auction. All in all we are pleased with how the rabbits did, apparently we have good genetics.


  1. You HAVE been busy! I need a nap just from reading your post. ;) Congrats to your kiddos for their placements in the County Youth Fair. Can't wait to see photos -- and recipes.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your (relatively quiet) weekend! (I'm sure Daisy is very much enjoying her camping trip, but I bet she misses her family, too.)

  2. Wow - that's a busy time! I'm glad everyone did so well - it sounds like you guys are some seriously good bakers! I think it would be extremely gratifying to win a prize for something you've made.
