Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I hate cancer

I know February is heart disease month, and I hate heart disease too. It has affected both my and my hubby's family.

Right now though, I really hate cancer.

Cancer took one friend's father, another friend's dad is fighting it. Cancer took my grandfather and my dad has been fighting it.

And a friend's husband has just been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He has 5 children and the youngest two are only a year older than my kids.

I just wanted to say, life is short go hug your kids, your spouse, your dog or your cat. Go hug someone and tell them you love them.

Not the goldfish though. They really don't like hugs.


  1. Cancer is awful--so aggressive. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's husband; their family will be in my prayers. Five kids! Poor babies (even if they aren't babies)... this life is full of so many hard things.

    I've been trying to memorize the first chapter and James, but sometimes I can't get past the first couple of verses -- it's hard to accept that "trials of many kinds" are good for us at all, let alone to consider them "pure joy" because of the way they help our faith in the long run. Sigh.

  2. I too hate cancer - I've seen it strike down several people in my best friend's family within the last several months (3 people on one family!!) It's horrible. Heart disease is equally horrible... illness stinks anyway you look at it, BUT sometimes people are brought to their salvation through these types of trials - so I guess that would be the one way to make sense of it all.

  3. Hi Christi! My comments don't seem to be working on your blog for some reason - here is a test run...

  4. Ahh - we have go. Thanks for that award, Christi - very special. I would love to sit and have a cuppa with you too - that's one of the sad things about blogging - you can't just catch up for an extended chat!
    I look forward to checking out the other kindred spirits you have awarded - I might find one there, too!

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's husband. We will pray for that family.
    But...do I REALLY have to hug my cats? You KNOW I can't stand them...maybe if I just hug them really hard... hey...how does this award thing work? This is new to me!
